Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thoughts on relationships

So why is it that relationships can be so flippin complicated?!  Why do they have to be?  Why is there always drama and high school behaviors that sometimes are associated with being in a relationship of any kind, whether it being a friendship, boyfriend/girlfriend, boyfriend/boyfriend, or girlfriend/girlfriend.  Or if you are one of those relationships that I've left out such as dolphin/human relationship I each his/her own right?!  LOL.

These are the questions I have as I go through this short life of ours.  I see my friends and family around me and  watch how their relationships begin, evolve, end, or continue.  Its amazing how you first look at someone with innocent eyes/mind, how quickly someone can fall for someone else and just as quickly fall out of a relationship. And how people change over time while in a relationship.

I have trouble understand how people who are in a domestic violent relationship continue to stay in that relationship.  And I know all of you readers out there are saying, "how can you say that.  You've never been in that situation before. Or I love them they will change".  I want those people involved in domestic violence to ask yourself, Is it love when they punch you over not having dinner made?  Is it flirting when they push you down the steps with the kids in the other room?  Not  only is the aggressor hurting you in that relationship, but they are effecting everyone in that family.  Kids see and take in EVERYTHING.  Whether you believe me or not.  I've worked with enough abused kids who have witnessed DV within their own home to know, they do pay attention to everything their guardians and parents do, and it can have similar damage on their development as if they were the ones being physically hit.  People who have kids and are in a toxic relationship are actually role modeling how they should treat their potential mate when they grow up.  They are role modeling for a female that its ok to get hit by your boyfriend...thats "love".  and They are role modeling for a male, that its ok to hit a woman and disrespect her because I'm the man in the relationship and in control of the situation. NO, NO, NO, NO!!!  Its NOT ok for any of this.  NO ONE deserves to be hit, bullied, intimidated, controlled, manipulated, degraded, and any other type of abuse.  Please for those of you reading this if you know someone in a toxic relationship, give them support, your ear, and an emergency number to a DV shelter for help if they want it.  Sad thing is you can't help someone who doesn't feel they need help, or feel like they can change the person who is abusing them.  I've seen a lot working with adults the results of being in a DV relationship.  Its sad, and frustrating.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thoughts of the Day

Thoughts Of the Day:

So I'm sitting here, sick, reflecting on how I came to the place in my life where I am currently at.  I wonder sometimes what life has in store for me, what strengths I have to use on the way, and what challenges I have to overcome to get there (which there are too many to count).  Let me do a background check so that you readers out there can know a little bit more about me.

Family: I have two parents who are still together, 25+ years. I have to wonderful sister (when I was little I didn't think they were so wonderful. It was like having 3 mothers instead of a mom and two sisters.)  I am a GREAT Aunt, which I think they should redefine the GREAT as not being OLD, but unique, creative, awesome, spastic, spontaneous, etc.  I have a grown niece and nephew, teenage nephew, and elementary age nephew and niece.  Talk about across the kid development stages!!  LOL.  

Friends: Like I said as colorful as the candy in skittles and then some.  I have my roommate, bestie, brother, whom I've known and loved for 16+ years....GOSH that REALLY makes me sound old.  Typical story, we grew up together in that little town, went to the same school, met in HS, then found out our families are friends and our grandmothers would hang out and bowl and bingo, etc.  Small World right?!  Then we just clicked!!  We've been through everything together and hopefully many more adventures.  Here's where the reference to Will and Grace comes in.  Yeah, he's my gay, happy "brother" and I am his straight, single, "sister", and wow the things we go through together.  You could make our life a sitcom!!  I have a wonderful female friend whom I consider very close and dear to my heart.  I met her at my job and we clicked as well.  She is my guy magnet!!  And I've even considered to give her a superhero name and her powers of attracting all men from all walks of life.  I enjoy her energy every time we go out, and she has a wonderful sweet nature about her in whom I enjoy the occasional gossip sessions that girlfriends have:-).  Then there is my sporty crew. They enjoy soccer, drinking, sports, beer pong, 3 man, Scary Movies, haunted houses, and yet I can enjoy an serious conversation with them one on one and enjoy the uniqueness that each one of them posses.  There are 6 of us in this crew and couldn't ask for a better set of friends who have completely different personalities and whom I consider to be my extended family.  Then I have my HS friends whom I adore dearly and they will always have a place in my heart...never forgotten.  And here is to all the NEW friends I hope to meet along the way.  To my new coworkers-I enjoy very much.  We laugh at every chance we get.

Work history: My first ever job that I was so proud of was McDonalds!! I actually loved working the Drive-Thru.  Then worked as a latchkey teacher at a local preschool/daycare.  I think this is where I found my calling to work with kids.  During my probation period, I had one of my 4th graders throw a worm on my head...ahhhh love kids...he then stood up and bowed stating "Yes, I threw a worm at the teacher". I smiled, sat back down at my desk and in my mind I was saying every non-christian, non-professional, my "exorismness" came out.  But did I let that show, nope!!  Just told him to go down to the director.  I don't know where I got the patience for that child, but I will NEVER forget him and for confidentiality purposes will not say his name:D.  Stayed in that job through graduating HS and most of undergrad.  During the summers I would work a Therapeutic Recreational Camp for Adolescents with mental/physical/behavioral disabilities.  OK, am I a glutton for punishment or what?!  Teenagers?!  Really?!-Found out that I LOVED that job and found my niche in wanting to work with teenagers with issues.  An I entered undergrad majoring in pre-med.  Had loads of fun with the group.  I ended up becoming director of our camp.  Did that all during undergrad.  My majors switched three times during my college career. Pre-med for a year, until it involved my arch nemisis-MATH!!!!  Grrrr...was very disappointed that I couldn't comprehend the math involved, so switched to Music Education.  Yeah, that was a semester I felt out of place with all these wonderful, operatic singers and talented in music beyond compare.  So took a psychology class and fell in LOVE with the topic.  So graduated with my bachelor's in science, major psychology.  I then worked as a mental health specialist; intake worker with children protective services, back to daycare as a prek teacher, then a case worker with a local mental health agency, then applied to grad school in community counseling.  Then worked as a Transitional Case Worker for the Ederly/Adults/Teenagers/and Children. And now I am a  part time therapist for a local mental health agency working with abused teens/kids, and care coordinator for a new program providing mental health services for severely emotionally/mentally/behavioral children and their families.  Whew, if you are not bored by now...thanks for continuing to read...if you already quit well its your loss.  Teehee.  And there are interesting stories with each job that I've had and great experiences I take away from each.  LOTS of lesson's I've learned people I have befriended, and people whom I choose not to associate because they have the "devil" inside them and are EVIL, negative individuals.

So now that I've rambled on for a while, I will end this blog for now and allow you to soak up me rambling.

This is Jessi saying  TTFN!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcome Friends!

Welcome to the first post of Chicken Goo for the S,W,P,F Soul.  

My name is Jessica, and I am a single, working, professional who loves to experience life in any way possible.  I have been through much in my 30+ years that friends and family in my life have suggested that I write a book, but unfortunately don't know where to start.  So I figured I would start off blogging about my life and hoping it is interesting enough, thought provoking, heart-warming, intriguing, and warrant some merit of having a small entourage.  I hope you find my blogs and entries interesting and entertaining.  So I will start off the first entry with a bio of myself.

Like I said, I am a S,W,P,F who loves adventure, LOVES to laugh, enjoys being with friends and family, and LOVES helping others on my journey in life.  I have a bachelor's in psychology, a masters in community counseling, and a glutton for punishment for pursuing my doctorate in counseling.  I enjoy being a child/adolescent therapist and enjoy incorporating my love for the arts in my work with my clients.  I have a wonderful, and colorful assortment of friends whom I consider part of my family.  Each of them coming from their own unique backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life.  It's like eating skittles, tasting the rainbow each one being different, ticking your taste buds, and satisfying your social need. Teehee.  

My family is also rich and colorful and every get together is quite the adventure.  

So, due to ethical issues, HIPPA issues, and confidentiality issues, I will not be using real names in my blogs.  All identities will be protected!!

Where to start...hmmm...that's for the next blog.  Lets just say I can't wait to talk about the dangerous pet pig, the fowl fowl, a real life "Will and Grace", snakes slithering across my feet, traumatizing sisters, and much more:-)  

This is Jessi signing off saying TTFN!!